Project Description

Angels of Friends of Alexandra

As many visitors to Alexandra are moved by what they see and frequently ask the question “How can we help?”, FOA has established “Angels of Friends of Alexandra.” This is a program where orphans at the NOAH facility are “adopted” by an “Angel” to the value of $700 per year. We currently have 12 children who receive special attention through the Angels of Friends of Alexandra program.

This is how the program works:

  • An”Angel” contributes $700 per annum per child.
  • A child at the NOAH facility is identified by the NOAH team as being the most deserving at that time and is then selected to benefit.
  • The $700 is spent by FOA specifically on the child identified.
  • Money is used to buy clothing, school books, school uniforms, day to day clothing, food parcels and ‘little extras’ to make the child feel special and cared for – such as Birthday cakes and Xmas presents.
  • Details of the child and his/her photograph are sent to the donor a is a picture and some details of the sponsor given to the child (if opld enough to understand).

See how you can help!