
Alexandra township is one of the oldest townships in the Johannesburg area. Today home to +- 600000 it still lives up to its nickname of “Nobody’s Baby”. Unemployment is in excess of 50%; 30% of people still live in homes without electricity, running water or sewarage.

Situated to the north east of Johannesburg and only 1.5 miles away from the richest area of Africa, Alexandra is a product of the apartheid era. Tin shacks, overflowing drains, giant rats and poverty are the day to day companions of the people of Alexandra.

Most NGO work is carried out in Soweto which has a far higher profile and much lower need than Alexandra.

About Friends of Alexandra

After five years of working in Alexandra township with HIV/AIDS orphans and other organisations, and after taking into Alexandra more than 1000 visitors, it became clear that there were many people who wished to assist Alexandra residents to improve their quality of life. Frequently the question was asked “How can I help?” In addition, many visitors to Alexandra offered assistance in the form of donations or material goods.

Through my role of Tour Guide, was in the position of identifying people and organisations with needy causes to possible donors and aid givers, to formalise and provide proper corporate governance, and to harness the willingness of people offering their help, it was decided to form an NPO/NGO “Friends of Alexandra.”

  • The first steps were taken in May of 2006. Friends of Alexandra was registered as a section 21 company not for gain. Our registration number is 2006/031250/08.
  • Our focus is on children of Alexandra.

To assist USA donors Friends of Alexandra partnered with Empowers Africa, a New York based NPO which is registered as a 501© company thereby enttling donors to Empowers Africa to receive tax benefits. Donations to Friends of Alexandra can be made through Empowers Africa or directly to Friends of Alexandra.

Further details of Empowers Africa can be found at

Years active
Active projects

Current and past projects